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Call for Committees

Volunteers are one of the most important assets of the International Code Council. Their work on the ICC Board of Directors, committees and councils is directly related to the success of ICC. It takes the time and expertise of many individuals working through the numerous ICC committees to shape the Code Council into the world-class membership organization that exists today.  A list of committee and council pages can be found at Committees and Councils - ICC (

These “Call for Committees” provide another opportunity to serve.

See Standards Development Interest Categories resource for additional information.

Code Related Committees & Councils

The following committees related to developing ICC Codes have open calls.

  • Code Hearing Moderators

Standards Related Committees

The following committees related to standards development have open calls.

  • Low-Carbon Alternative Cements Consensus Committee (IS-LCCC)
  • Residential Smart Door Standard Consensus Committee (IS-RSDC)
  • Solar Thermal Standards Committee (IS-STSC)
  • Air Supported Structures Consensus Committee (IS-ASSC)
  • Landscape Irrigation Emission Devices Standard Consensus Committee (IS-IEDC)
  • Private Sewage Disposal Systems Standard Consensus Committee

Ad Hoc Committees

The following ad hoc committees have open calls.

  • None Currently

Guide Related Committees

The following committees related to the development of guides have open calls.

  • None Currently

Code Hearing Moderators

The Code Council is seeking code development experts interested in serving as unbiased moderators of the code development hearings.

Code Council moderators serve a critical role in the execution of the International Codes® (I-Codes) hearings. The committee action hearings (CAHs) and public comment hearings (PCH) are a part of the industry-leading code development procedures that set the standard for an open and transparent process, allowing any interested parties to participate.

This facilitates a broad spectrum of ideas, expertise and input enabling the I-Codes to be the best model codes available to support the built environment, impacting nearly 2 billion people globally.

  • Moderators are appointed by the Code Council President (President of the Board of Directors) and act as presiding officers for the public code hearings in accordance with CP-28.
  • Moderators are respected members of the code development community and have subject matter expertise in the Code Council’s code development procedures and the I-Codes.
  • The moderators facilitate decorum during the code hearings and facilitate the successful progression of the proceedings in accordance with CP-28 and Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Moderators serve as a critical extension of the Technical Service Team in the successful execution of the code development hearings.
  • Moderators cannot serve on code development committees during the same code cycle.
  • Moderators have significant experience serving/participating in code development hearings.
  • Moderators must demonstrate an unbiased approach in hearings.

The Code Council’s Technical Services Team will select potential moderators from the applicants. The selectees will be placed in the moderator training program to be developed as moderators supporting future code hearings.

Individuals who have successfully served previously as Code Council code development hearing moderators do not need to reapply.

Individuals interested can apply on the Committee Application site.

Low-Carbon Alternative Cements Consensus Committee (IS-LCCC)

As an ANSI accredited standards developing organization, the Code Council is developing a new performance standard for the assessment of low-carbon alternative cements used in concrete. The cement industry is responsible for about 8% of the CO2 emissions for the globe.  With the increased attention to the effects of global CO2 production, there is a need for low-carbon alternative cement that has the proper physical properties in accordance with model building codes and the referenced standards within.  A standard will provide requirements for those physical properties that could be referenced in the International Building Code (IBC).

Once appointed, this committee will convene to develop the new ICC 1155 -202X entitled, Standard for Low-Carbon Alternative Cements used in Concrete.  This performance standard would assess low-carbon alternative cement properties and its effects on concrete mechanical and durability properties based upon the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Low-Carbon Alternative Cements for use in Concrete (AC529).

For more information on the ANSI Accredited ICC procedures for developing standards please visit the Code Council’s Standards Development webpage here.

At this time, the Code Council is receiving applications for members to serve on this committee. In accordance with ICC’s Consensus Procedures, the committee will be a balanced committee of 12 – 15 members of the following Interest Categories: Manufacturer, Builder, Standards Promulgator / Testing Laboratory, User, Utility, Consumer, Public Segment, Government Regulator and Insurance. Accordingly, stakeholders including, but not limited to, code officials, design professionals and installers should apply. A full description of the Interest Categories is included in the application linked below. Any stakeholder is welcome to apply and ICC membership is not required. Appointments will made by the ICC Board of Directors.

The acronym below is to be used to identify the application.

(IS-LCCC) Low-Carbon Alternative Cements Consensus Committee

Travel is not anticipated for the conduct of the meetings.  Meetings are to be held online and via conference calls. In the event of an in-person meeting, ICC Governmental Member Representatives are authorized to travel at ICC’s expense when participating in ICC Consensus Committee meetings. All others are responsible for funding their participation on this committee.

Term: Through completion of the standard.

Staff: Will Utsey, P.E.; 888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233), ext. 5699

Residential Smart Door Standard Consensus Committee (IS-RSDC)

As an ANSI and SCC Accredited standards developing organization, the Code Council is developing a new product evaluation standard for residential smart doors that can be referenced in the IRC and used by manufacturers to certify to. Although the individual components have been evaluated to various safety standards, there is not a safety standard for powered and connected residential doors.  The smart door standard would be developed to address topics and features unique to smart doors that are not addressed in existing standards.  For instance, when power is physically conveyed from the door frame to the door, the power transfer device should be certified as a component for its rated voltage, current, and the number of door cycles it is capable of handling.  The smart door standard would test the worst case smart door with the maximum amount of smart accessories on the door / frame system to confirm the maximum input power, temperature test and evaluate for environmental conditions for the certification of the smart door / frame system.

This standard would be developed under both of the Code Council’s ANSI and SCC accredited consensus procedures.

Once appointed, this committee will convene to develop the new ICC 1425-202x entitled, Standard for Residential Smart Doors.  This standard will provide requirements to cover smart doors rated 600V or less to be employed in ordinary locations in accordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 and the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, C22.1 and the Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives, NFPA 80.  This standard sets forth the minimum durability, safety and labeling requirements for Smart Doors.

At this time, ICC is receiving applications for members to serve on this committee. In accordance with ICC’s Consensus Procedures, the committee will be a balanced committee of 10 – 12 members of the following Interest Categories: Manufacturer, Builder, Standards Promulgator / Testing Laboratory, User, Utility, Consumer, Public Segment, Government Regulator and Insurance. Accordingly, stakeholders including, but not limited to, code officials, design professionals and installers should apply. A full description of the Interest Categories is included in the application linked below. Any stakeholder is welcome to apply and ICC membership is not required. Appointments will made by the ICC Board of Directors. For more information on the ANSI Approved ICC procedures for developing standards and to apply online for the committee, please visit the Code Council’s Standards Development webpage here.

The acronym below is to be used to identify the on the application process.

IS- RSDC Residential Smart Door Standard Consensus Committee

It is anticipated that all committee meetings will be held virtually. In the event of an in-person meeting, ICC Governmental Member Representatives are authorized to travel at ICC’s expense when participating at ICC Consensus Committee meetings. All others are responsible for funding their participation on this committee.

Term: Through completion of the standard.

Application deadline: March 1, 2025 (EXTENDED)

Staff: Karl Aittaniemi, P.E.; 888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233), ext. 4205

Solar Thermal Standard Consensus Committee (IS-STSC)

The Code Council is currently accepting applications in the following interest categories to participate on the existing IS-STSC Standards Committee:

Builder, Testing Laboratory/Standards Promulgator, User, Utility, Consumer, Public Segment, Governmental Regulator and Insurance.

The Code Council maintains and develops a suite of solar thermal standards, ICC 900/SRCC 300, ICC 901/SRCC 100, ICC 902/APSP 902/SRCC 400 and ICC 903/SRCC 500.  This committee has primary responsibility for minimum requirements and standards to safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare through design, construction and testing requirements for solar thermal systems and collectors. The requirements contained in the I-Codes pertaining to these devices shall be incorporated and maintained in the solar thermal standards developed by the IS-STSC.

For more information on the ICC procedures for developing standards and a description of the aforementioned interest categories, please refer to the ICC Consensus Procedures.

ICC membership is not required. All appointments will made by the ICC Board of Directors.

Travel is not anticipated since meetings are to be held online and via conference calls. In the unlikely event that an in-person meeting is scheduled, ICC Governmental Member Representatives are authorized to travel at ICC’s expense when participating at ICC Consensus Committee meetings. All others are responsible for funding their participation on this committee.

Term: Through completion of the standard(s).

Staff: Shawn Martin; 888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233), ext. 7736

Air Supported Structures Consensus Committee (IS-ASSC)

As an ANSI and SCC Accredited standards developing organization, the Code Council is developing a new standard for air supported structures. This standard will serve as a comprehensive resource and include design criteria and formulas for air structures based on years of research, testing, and observations from thousands of buildings in use. This standard will cover snow and wind load values based on local conditions and specific jurisdictions including recommended load application methods and designs. This standard is not intended as a comprehensive guide for constructing an entire air structure system.

Over the years, air structures have gained wider acceptance and undergone improvements in design and performance. Thousands of air structures have been manufactured, contributing to a wealth of operational experience and performance data. While building codes aim to safeguard public interest and safety, they may not readily apply to air supported structures due to their dynamic nature and unique design considerations. Due to variations in knowledge, design criteria, and manufacturing methods within the industry, there is a need for a standard to protect public safety.

This standard would be developed under both of the Code Council’s ANSI and SCC accredited consensus procedures.

Once appointed, this committee will convene to develop the new ICC 550-202x entitled, Standard for Air Structures and Design.  ASI 77 – 2024 Air Structures Design and Standards Manual will be the base document for the development of this new ICC standard.

At this time, ICC is receiving applications for members to serve on this committee. In accordance with ICC’s Consensus Procedures, the committee will be a balanced committee of 10 – 15 members of the following Interest Categories: Manufacturer, Builder, User, Government Regulator.  Accordingly, stakeholders including, but not limited to, design professionals, engineers, building owners, contractors, consultants, inspectors, manufacturers, operators and testing laboratories should apply.  A full description of the Interest Categories is included in the application linked below. Any stakeholder is welcome to apply and ICC membership is not required. Appointments will made by the ICC Board of Directors. For more information on the ANSI Approved ICC procedures for developing standards and to apply online for the committee, please visit the Code Council’s Standards Development webpage here.

The acronym below is to be used to identify the on the application process.

IS- ASSC  Air Supported Structures Consensus Committee

It is anticipated that all committee meetings will be held virtually. In the event of an in-person meeting, ICC Governmental Member Representatives are authorized to travel at ICC’s expense when participating at ICC Consensus Committee meetings. All others are responsible for funding their participation on this committee.

Term: Through completion of the standard.

Application deadline: February 23, 2025

Staff: Dane Rankin, PE, SE;   888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233), ext. 4405

Landscape Irrigation Emission Devices Standard Consensus Committee (IS-IEDC)

As an ANSI Accredited standards developing organization, the Code Council is updating the existing ASABE/ICC 802-202x entitled, Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard. Increased emphasis on water conservation and new product designs have led to the need for standards to establish criteria for product performance, design, construction, and durability. The development of standards will facilitate the creation of water efficiency specifications for these products from programs such as US EPA’s WaterSense program. Standards will also ensure interoperability of products produced by different manufacturers.

This standard would be developed under the Code Council’s ANSI accredited consensus procedures.

Once appointed, this committee will convene to update the existing ASABE/ICC 802-202x standard.  This standard will address the design features, performance testing of sprinklers, bubblers and emitters used in landscape irrigation systems.

The Landscape Irrigation Emission Devices Standard Consensus Committee (IS-IEDC) shall have primary responsibility for minimum requirements to safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare along with product performance, design, durability and testing requirements for landscape irrigation emission devices. The requirements contained in the I-Codes pertaining to these situations shall be coordinated with the standards developed by the IS-IEDC Consensus Committee.

At this time, ICC is receiving applications for members to serve on this committee. In accordance with ICC’s Consensus Procedures, the committee will be a balanced committee of 8 – 12 members of the following Interest Categories: Manufacturer, Builder, Standards Promulgator / Testing Laboratory, User, Consumer and Government Regulator. A full description of the Interest Categories is included in the application linked below. Any stakeholder is welcome to apply and ICC membership is not required. Appointments will made by the ICC Board of Directors. For more information on the ANSI Approved ICC procedures for developing standards and to apply online for the committee, please visit the Code Council’s Standards Development webpage here.

The acronym below is to be used to identify the on the application process.

IS- IEDC       Landscape Irrigation Emission Devices Standard Consensus Committee

It is anticipated that all committee meetings will be held virtually. In the event of an in-person meeting, ICC Governmental Member Representatives are authorized to travel at ICC’s expense when participating at ICC Consensus Committee meetings. All others are responsible for funding their participation on this committee.

Term: Through completion of the standard.

Application deadline: April 4, 2025

Staff: Fred Grable, PE;   888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233), ext. 4359

ICC 825, Private Sewage Disposal Systems Standard Consensus Committee

Once appointed, this committee will convene to develop ICC 825, Private Sewage Disposal Systems. This new standard would provide minimum requirements for designing, constructing, operating and maintaining private sewage disposal systems which include septic tank and effluent absorption systems, or other treatment tank and effluent disposal systems, where a public sewer is not available.

This committee will have primary responsibility for the development of minimum requirements and standards to safeguard the public health, safety, general welfare and address societal and industry challenges through designing, constructing, operating and maintaining private sewage disposals systems which include septic tanks and effluent absorption systems, or other treatment tank and effluent disposal systems, where a public sewer is not available.

Term: Through completion of the standard.