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Becoming an International Code Council Chapter

Can’t find a chapter near you? Considering starting your own chapter? Recognition as a Chapter of ICC is available to organizations whose purpose is developing and advancing its members’ professional abilities in the administration of the International Codes.

Organizations who wish to apply for Chapter status must meet the requirements of ICC’s Council Policy on Chapters (CP #10-04.) Please review the policy in its entirety if you are considering chapter status.

Types of chapters vary depending on the geographical area covered and the nature of your membership. Detailed information on formation can be found in Section 3.0 of the policy, minimum requirements are addressed in Section 4.0, and Chapter responsibilities in Section 5.0. Prospective Chapters must be established and meet the requirements of the policy in order to eligible to apply for chapter status. Prospective chapters will be asked to provide the following items in the application process:

  1. organization name and contact person
  2. contact information for elected officers
  3. a complete roster of all members including their contact information
  4. constitution and/or bylaws for your association
  5. description of the geographical area covered
  6. description of the primary discipline of your members
  7. a statement of purpose
  8. a resolution from your members indicating their desire to become an ICC Chapter
  9. chapter agreement signed by your officers

There is no charge to apply for chapter status and no fee to be a chapter of ICC. However, you will need to have a certain number of ICC members within your organization at the time of application. For local, professional, student or international chapter status the required number is 20 and 50 for state chapter status. Also, if applying for local, professional or state status, half of those ICC members must also hold a specific category of ICC membership depending on the chapter type chosen (see Section 3.0 of the CP #10-04). When counting the number of ICC members in your organization, a jurisdiction with a governmental membership only counts as one ICC member.

Applications are available upon request. More information about the Chapter Program is available on the Chapter Information page of our website or by contacting Chapter Relations.