PMG Membership Council
The PMG Membership Council (PMGMC) is open to all ICC Members and serves the needs of PMG officials and industry professionals. The purpose of the Council is to advocate for concerns and issues that are of particular interest to plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas, pool and spa professionals.
We intend to grow our numbers, our involvement and our voice as we encourage our members to develop and learn. We hope that industry leaders will help us by sharing their experiences and teaching us the value of ICC as an institution in building safety.
Every single ICC member is welcome to our council. Please join us in a journey that will change lives, communities and careers for years to come.
–Andre Jaen, Past Chair
ELMC Governing Committee
As a Member of the Council, you'll have an opportunity to discuss issues that you face as a community and how ICC might best serve you. If you're looking to get more involved in the plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas, and swimming pool community and influence the direction of ICC, enroll in the PMG Membership Council today.
Next PMGMC Meeting
PMGMC – Governing Committee Meeting
April 27, 2025 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am
The ICC PMG Membership Council will meet on this day/time. All members of the PMG Membership Council and other ICC members interested in the PMGMC are invited to participate. The...
The PMGMC meets on a quarterly schedule.
See calendar for all Membership Council events.
The PMG Leadership Award is given to an individual or organization for exceptional service to the plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas and swimming pool/spa (PMG) industry.
ICC Code Chat Forums
Want to comment on the latest PMG Membership Council news and discuss related plumbing, mechanical and fuel gas activities? Visit ICC's discussion forums today!
Search all Membership Council documents for current and past information.
PMGMC Governing Committee
Richard Clark, Chair, City of Colleyville, TX
Dan Weed, Vice Chair, Retired, Schums Coda, Inc.
Dave Bixby, Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA)
Bob Carpenter, Wavin (an Orbia business)
Lee Clifton, Retired, International Code Council
William Farrell, Sheet Metal and Air-conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA)
Ken Gregory, Pentair
Tim Jordan, Alabama Department of Community Affairs
Ray Pearce, Orange County, FL
Jim Richardson, City of Columbus, OH
John Taecker, UL Solutions
Patrick Tomasino, State of Utah DFCM
Board Liaison
Shirley Ellis, ICC Board of Directors
Staff Liaisons
Gary Gauthier, Director, PMG Technical Resources (Northeast)
Lisa Reiheld, Director, PMG Technical Resources (Midwest)
Rich Anderson, Director, PMG Technical Resources (West/Southwest)
Jim Cika, Director, PMG Technical Resources (Southeast)
Mark Fasel, Director, PMG Technical Resources (Upper Midwest/West)
Questions on the Council? Contact Ron Piester
PMG Resources
PMG Program
Take a look at the ICC PMG Program web page to find information on the various PMG products and services ICC has to offer. Such as:
- PMG CodeNotes – free and sponsored by the PMG Membership Council
- PMG Videos – informative videos related to PMG activities.
- PMG Technical Team – find the PMG representative in your area for assistance with PMG Adoptions, Stakeholder Support, State, and Local activities, and educational materials.
PMG Catalog
A complete resource catalog of comprehensive, coordinated, and contemporary codes that meet the needs of the plumbing, mechanical, and fuel gas industries.
PMG Roundtable
The Code Council hosted a PMG Roundtable on April 27, 2019, in Albuquerque, NM. See our wrap up of the event here.
PMG ICC Chapters
Listed below is the latest information about a PMG Chapter located near you.
- Alabama Association of Plumbing/Gas/Mechanical Inspectors
- Colorado Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials
- Florida Association of Plumbing/Gas/Mechanical Inspectors
- Georgia State Inspectors Association
- Illinois Mechanical Inspectors Association
- Maryland Plumbing & Mechanical Inspectors Association
- Mechanical Inspectors Association of Michigan
- Metro Mechanical Inspectors Association of Michigan
- North Carolina Mechanical Inspectors Association
- North Carolina Plumbing Inspectors Association
- Ohio Association of Plumbing Inspectors
- Oklahoma Mechanical Inspectors Association
- Oklahoma Plumbing Inspectors Association
- Oregon Mechanical Officials Association
- Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors of Ohio
- Plumbing Inspectors Association of Michigan
- South Carolina Plumbing/Gas/Mechanical Inspectors Association
- Tennessee Plumbing Mechanical Inspectors Association
- Texas State Association of Plumbing Inspectors
- Utah Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials
- Virginia Plumbing & Mechanical Inspectors Association
- West Michigan Mechanical Inspectors Association
Other Resources
ICC Government Relations
Take a look at the Government Relations web page to find useful information on PMG News, Adoptions, Federal, State, and Local activities, and educational material.
Become a PMG Trainer
The Code Council is looking for PMG experts to become trainers for ICC Training. If you are a PMG expert with IPC and UPC experience who is willing to help jurisdictions transition from another code to ours, apply here.
Technical Training Program (TTP)
TTP is a flexible educational program that allows high schools or technical colleges to integrate trade curricula into its current curriculum to better provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of construction trades.
PMG Membership Council Partners