A Variety of Options to Help You Along Your Career Path and to Earn CEUs
The Code Council offers a variety of training options for every individual to earn continuing education units, learning units and/or Professional Development Hours (CEUs, LUs and/or PDHs) that can be used toward Code Council certification renewal.
ICC Training
Explore ICC Training for a robust library of online courses ranging from beginner to advanced topics in all the ICC codes including topics specific to building safety, fire, design and construction, safety, plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas and leadership. ICC Training is also the home of career paths to guide you on your journey to certification.
Get involved with ICC Training by becoming an instructor, subject matter expert (SME), suggest a training topic or submit a presentation.
Learn More
S. K. Ghosh Associates
SKGA provides live and recorded web sessions and face-to-face topics geared towards engineering or building safety professionals looking to keep up to date with technical information on building code and structural standards.
Credential of Learning Achievement (CLA)
A Credential of Learning Achievement (CLA) goes beyond traditional training in its measurement of comprehension on the subject matter. It validates the participants willingness to go the extra mile in training and career advancement. The CLA differs from International Code Council (ICC) certifications and education because there is the required components of training/education and assessment on a specific subject matter, it is a different method of obtaining a valuable ICC Credential based on training and testing.
Preferred Providers
Additional training offered by Code Council-selected education providers (Preferred Providers) is available on topics including, but not limited to codes, standards and guidelines, as well as building construction materials, products and methods.
International Accreditation Service
IAS offers recorded web and in-person training programs for conformity assessment professionals worldwide. Select IAS training programs also offer CEUs to contribute to ongoing professional development requirements.
Calendar of Events
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EduCODE 2025
On behalf of the Southern Nevada Chapter of the International Code Council, we welcome you to our 28th year of providing outstanding educational programs. EduCODE is designed to provide the...
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2022 Changes to AISC 341 and 360
2022 Changes to AISC 341 and 360
The 2022 editions of AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360-22) and the Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 341-22) represent the latest in structural steel design and...
Water Matters: The Windsor Declaration and Global Solutions for Water Scarcity (Learn Live)
Water Matters: The Windsor Declaration and Global Solutions for Water Scarcity (Learn Live)
Join Tom Reynolds (Bathroom Manufacturers Association) and Tom Roberts (International Codes Council) for an engaging webinar during World Water Awareness Month, spotlighting the transformative Windsor Declaration. This global initiative unites...
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PART 1: 2021 IEBC – Introduction and Prescriptive Path
PART 1: 2021 IEBC – Introduction and Prescriptive Path
Part 1 of this course will provide an overall introduction to the layout of the IEBC as well as a discussion of its importance. The portions of the code that...
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PART 2: 2021 IEBC – The Work Area and Performance Paths
PART 2: 2021 IEBC – The Work Area and Performance Paths
Part 2 will focus on the ``Work Area`` and ``Performance`` paths of compliance. Examples will be provided for each. The last portion of the class will include example projects that...
How Will Model Codes Need to Change to Promote Water Reuse (Learn Live)
How Will Model Codes Need to Change to Promote Water Reuse (Learn Live)
Today’s national model codes contain provisions that encourage the conservation of water through the administration of the codes but are limited in the content that promotes the reuse of water....
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Real World Examples to Provide Fire Rated Assemblies Using Approved Methods
Real World Examples to Provide Fire Rated Assemblies Using Approved Methods
The presentation will cover basic examples for providing fire rated assemblies such as walls, columns, beams and floors/roofs, for new building construction. The examples are for demonstrating compliance with the...
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Frequently Misunderstood Foundation Design Provisions
Frequently Misunderstood Foundation Design Provisions
This web seminar addresses five misunderstood structural provisions in ASCE 7-16 related to foundation design. The following topics are discussed, including a presentation of frequently asked questions on the application...
Water Research and Technology Water Management, Conservation, and Efficiency (Learn Live)
Water Research and Technology Water Management, Conservation, and Efficiency (Learn Live)
This presentation will cover research initiatives focused around the sustainable development of infrastructure with the primary objective of appropriate water management, water efficiency, conservation practices, and their associated impacts. This...
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Design of Data Centers using Precast, Prestressed Concrete
Design of Data Centers using Precast, Prestressed Concrete
A data center is a building or a group of buildings that house computer systems, telecommunications components, storage systems and redundant power supplies. They support IT and network operations for...
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Global Water Solutions (Learn Live)
Global Water Solutions (Learn Live)
This ICC Learn Live event will feature presentations from Australia, England, Saudi Arabia, and the Netherlands where experts will provide an overview on topics such as leak detection, desalination, water...