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To provide the highest quality codes, standards, products and services for all concerned with the safety and performance of the built environment.

Code Development Process

The 2018 code development cycle marked the first successful application of the electronic voting devices for the Online Government Consensus Vote. The map below reflects the total number of governmental member voting representatives within each state.
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Code Changes
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Votes Cast
Government Agency Members
Private Sector Members
Total Governmental Member Voting Representatives
Number as of November 2018

Celebrating 15 Years

In 2018, the International Code Council celebrated its 15-year anniversary as an international association dedicated to building safety worldwide. With over 100 years of experience, the Code Council is a leader in building safety initiatives and develops the most comprehensive, coordinated and modern set of building codes.


Fall 1993 Chief Executive Officers of the three legacy organizations (The Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA), the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and the Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI) drafted a plan for consolidation that was later revised and approved by their respective boards. BOCA, ICBO, SBCCI


January 2003 The Code Council consolidation is finalized. May 2003 James Lee Witt named Chief Executive Officer. September 2003 Witt presents the board with a plan for a company-wide reorganization that established three district offices and a national headquarters in Washington, D.C.


Rick Weiland named Chief Executive Officer.


I-Codes adopted in all 50 states and Washington D.C.


ICC, FEMA sign a MoU to reduce human and economic losses from natural hazards through disasterresistant building safety codes.


ICC, AIA and ASTM International launch initiative to develop the IgCC.


Membership Councils established.


Dominic Sims named Chief Executive Officer.


cdpACCESS launched. cdpACCESS ICC celebrates 10th year with 50,000 members and 350 chapters.


Professional Development Council established as the first coordination between Learning Center and Assessment Center.


Safety 2.0 launched – an initiative to welcome a new generation of building safety professionals.


PRONTO launched. PRONTO ICC Online Exams


The Code Council celebrates its 15th anniversary.

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