Special Inspector Exam FAQ’s

FAQ's on Special Inspector Module Exams

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Special Inspector Certifications

Special Inspector Certifications

The ICC Special Inspector certification program does not qualify an individual as a Special Inspector under Chapter 17 of the International Building Code (IBC).  Such a designation resides within the sole discretion of a given jurisdiction’s building official. The ICC Special Inspector certification program solely aims to provide a designation for a building official’s use as they evaluate special inspector qualifications as part of the process of approving a Special Inspector under Chapter 17 of the IBC for a given scenario.

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Information on Exams

  • All exams are available on the PRONTO testing platform.
  • Candidates are encouraged to take the FREE PRONTO SI: Plans Exercise. With this tool you will navigate plans and exhibits as found on our PRONTO Special Inspector Exams.
  • Exams can be purchased through myICC.