Membership Testimonials
Why Do Our Members Value Their ICC Membership?
“Through on-line training and access to technical services, my ICC membership has been extremely valuable in helping me maintain my certifications. One of the best member benefits for me, in addition to receiving ICC code news and industry updates, is being able to call an ICC code expert and receive timely code interpretations and opinions, which in turn helps me ensure that my projects are in compliance.”
Mary Helwick – Project Manager, San Antonio, Texas
“I am reaping the benefits of many years of ICC Membership and would not be where I am today; enjoying the job I have, without it. It has helped me to advance by providing access to training, technical assistance and top-notch mentors. The skills and knowledge I have gained by attendance and participation in the Code Change Hearings and the Annual Business Conference cannot be measured.”
Shirley Ellis - Building Official, City of Bastrop, Texas
“As the Building Official for the City of Brea, I am very proud that our city has continuously maintained the ICC Government Membership. We have experienced many benefits from this relationship, such as discounted code publications and valuable ICC training seminars. ICC is a true asset to our city, county and state.”
Gabriel Linares, P.E., CBO - Deputy Director Community Development, City of Brea
“Being a Member of ICC has tremendous value to me. The biggest opportunity is my involvement in code development. To me, attending the Code Change Hearings and actively participating in the process is not only a great networking tool but also the best education I could experience. Being able to see the code evolve has given me a better understanding of why and how many code requirements exist, which in turn helps me to better apply and interpret the code.”
Eirene Oliphant - Code Specialist, BRR Architecture