Ad Hoc Committee - Tall Wood Buildings

News - Committee Work Concluded

The Code Council Board approved the creation of the ad hoc committee to explore the building science of tall wood buildings with the scope being to investigate the feasibility of and take action on developing code changes for tall wood buildings.

This will be a multi-year effort.  Three – four meetings are planned each year. The in-person meetings will be supported by numerous Work Group conference calls (see below). The objective will be the submission of code changes for the 2018 Group A Cycle (IBC) in January/2018.

If you would like to be added to the email distribution list for information concerning the Committee and/or Work Groups, please email Mike Pfeiffer, PE at and indicate which email distribution list(s) you would like to be added to.


Additional TWB supporting documentation for the 2018 PCH and OGCV

In addition to the CAH response and final report posted below, the following additional supporting documentation is provided to demonstrate the viability and building science behind the package of TWB code changes that will be considered at the upcoming 2018 Public Comment Hearings (PCH) in Richmond as well as the Online Governmental Consensus Vote (OGCV) which will follow the PCH:

TWB responds to CAH Issues

The TWB code proposals were heard at the Code Council Committee Action Hearings in Columbus, Ohio, in April 2018. While all of the code proposals were ultimately approved by the various Code Development Committees, several concerns were raised by committee members and interested parties. The attached document seeks to inventory the concerns raised, and to provide a summary response from the TWB committee.

Final Report of Fire Testing Completed

Five full-scale fire tests were conducted to observe the performance of a two-level apartment style structure constructed of mass timber. The final report of the “Compartment Fire Testing of a Two- Story Mass Timber Building” is complete and posted. Click here for the full report. Click here for the abbreviated version (without appendices).

Committee Documents