Wildfire planning protects your community
Wildfires are a major threat to 50,000 communities in America. Yet only 10 percent of at-risk communities take steps to prepare for and prevent catastrophic wildfires. Proper planning and using the right building materials in construction saves lives and protects property.
The first in a series of Wildland Urban Interface Institutes will be held Feb. 17 in Palm Springs. Experts from the International Code Council will discuss defensible space around structures, developing a Wildland Urban Interface plan and demonstrate the use of GIS systems for planning purposes. The institute is for fire and building officials, fire and building inspectors, elected officials,planners, developers, realtors and insurance agents.
“The devastating wildfires we’ve experienced in the last 10 years can only be stopped by careful community planning,” said International Code Council CEO Rick Weiland. “Having the best emergency response possible is essential, but it’s what communities and residents do before the fires arrive that does the most good.”
“Community leaders know that good preparation is key to wildfire prevention and mitigation,” said Code Council President Steve Shapiro, “but many are overwhelmed by growth and change, on top of mandates and requests for plans and standards that often don’t relate to each other. Through the WUI Institutes, we want to help untangle all that.”
To learn more about the institutes or to register for the WUI Institute in Palm Springs on February 17, visit iccsafe.org/training/WUI/ or call 1-888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233), ext. 33817. The registration fee, which includes lunch, is $150 for Code Council members and $175 for non-members.
The International Code Council, a membership association dedicated to building safety and fire prevention, develops the codes used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. Most U.S. cities, counties and states choose the International Codes, building safety codes developed by the International Code Council.