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About cdpACCESS

cdpACCESS® is a cloud-based, custom-built change management and document management tool built in-house at ICC. Cdp stands for Code Development Process, the process we use to modify our model building, fire, and safety codes. We have been using cdpACCESS® for almost ten years now to manage that process digitally, and it has led the way to the digital-first publishing processes we are now adopting.


cdpACCESS® is hosted in AWS, and is built on Amazon Linux and uses PHP and the Symfony framework. The public-facing side of the application allows the general public to access a database of our codebooks, select individual sections, and create suggested modifications to the content. Once those modifications, called code change proposals, are submitted, the staff-facing side of cdpACCESS® allows our team to guide the content through our rigorous and democratic process. The proposals are reviewed by experts at an in-person meeting, discussed and debated by our membership both in-person and through public comments, and finally voted on by our Validated Governmental Members. Those changes that make it through the process are then passed via an API to our publishing software to be incorporated into the next version of the book. If you\'d like to learn about the public side of our code change process or participate, here are some

resources to get you started!