Off-Site Construction Experience

October 20–22  ▪  Long Beach, CA

There is so much excitement around off-site construction that we couldn’t contain it and had to give it special recognition. Join us for the Off-Site Construction Experience at the 2024 International Code Council Conference, Expo and Hearings.

Off-Site @ the Expo

Sunday, October 20 | 3:00–7:00 pm ▪ Monday, October 21 | 2:00–7:00 pm

This event brings exhibitors face-to-face with professionals from the built environment. The expo will have a designated area for off-site exhibitors to showcase their products. Walk the expo floor or be an exhibitor! We are offering a special promotion to off-site/modular exhibitors only.

Contact Maureen Hennessey, Exhibit Sponsorship Sales Manager (301) 979-9524,

Visit our Off-site Events

ReMo Homes
Factory Tour
Sunday, October 20 | 8:30 am–12:30 pm

This tour will include a presentation on “Scaling Modular thorough Componentization and Standardization.” Participants will walk through a model home and discuss the process involved in building these innovative, sustainable and affordable homes.

Insight Session – Quick Hits on Emerging Building Safety Topics
Monday, October 21 | 12:45 pm–2:15 pm

Building safety professionals are increasingly at the forefront of policy initiatives and technological advances. This session will feature short, quick-hit discussions on emerging issues: battery and energy storage safety in the built environment, environmental risks facing aging infrastructure, best practices for modular construction, adaptive reuse of buildings, community wildfire mitigation strategies, and water scarcity.

ICC Talks – Inspiration and Innovation
Tuesday, October 22 | 8:00 am–10:00 am

This plenary session begins with Victoria Arlen, ESPN host and author. Ms. Arlen will share her experiences as a Paralympic Gold Medalist and motivate us to reach further and overcome our obstacles. Following the keynote address, a panel of experts from across the building industry will share their perspectives on off-site construction and the challenges and opportunities it presents. The panelists are:

  • Ryan Colker, Vice President, Innovation, International Code Council (Moderator)
  • Jeff Brown, State Building Codes Office Director, Div. of Building and Fire Regulation, VA Dept. of Housing and Community Development
  • Helena Lidelöw, Chief of Technology, Volumetric Building Companies
  • Solomon Greene, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, HUD
  • Ken Semler, Chair, Building Systems Councils, National Association of Homebuilders; President, Impresa Modular

Training – Off-Site Construction Track
Tuesday, October 22 | 10:15 am–5:00 pm

Off-Site Construction Track Training Topics:

  • Even More Insight into Off-Site
  • Intro to Off-Site Construction, Responsibilities and Requirements
  • Approving Small Residential Dwelling Units: ADUs and Tiny Homes

We look forward to seeing you in Long Beach.