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Code Development Process Deadlines

Be sure you know the upcoming Code Development Process deadlines. Read more.

Wallet Cards for ICC Members

Wallet cards are coming to all ICC members and certification holders!  Read more about the changes to the wallet cards.

New Travel Deals for ICC Members

As a Member of ICC you will receive up to 20% off the “Best Available Rate” at participating Wyndham Hotel locations when you travel. Learn more about this new money saving ICC Member benefit.

ICC Membership Councils

The ICC Board offers five discipline-specific Membership Councils that will each serve to take your ICC Membership and profession to the next level. The Building Official, PMG Official, Fire Service, Sustainability and Global Membership Councils provide places where you can come together and be more powerful forces shaping your ICC, your industry, your career, and your future. Share your expertise, voice, and vision with your peers  – Enroll Today!

Additional Benefit for ICC Members

International Code Council Members can receive 20 percent off of a new American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) membership. Visit the ASPE special offer membership page.

Join Today! New Members* Receive Valuable Products…Free!

ICC is dedicated to providing critical programs and services that can enhance your career, build your professional network and ensure your success in the industry. ICC Members receive free code opinions from our world class technical staff as well as exclusive member pricing and discounts on many products and services. From Individual to Governmental and Corporate membership categories, ICC offers a variety of membership types to best fit your career needs and goals. Click here to learn more.

Building Relationships with Our Valued Members

"The ICC has always provided a good solid foundation for model codes for today's construction industry. As a member, it has also given me an opportunity to save money, take advantage of its many valuable resources and has provided invaluable network opportunities. Renewing my ICC membership is easy and beneficial!"
Dave Cantrell, Chief Plumbing Inspector, Public Health-Seattle & King County, Seattle WA

Exclusive Member Benefits

ICC Members receive exclusive discounts on code books, technical publications, seminars, software, and more. Our valued Members also receive special offers from third party companies, including discounts on airfare, car rentals, and other valuable products and services. Visit our online store and also view the special Member offer page to learn more.

Already a Member?

to My ICC to access your Member Resources.

*Members returning to ICC within the past five years area considered reinstating Members, not new Members. Reinstated memberships are not eligible for the complimentary codes book(s) that new members receive upon joining. All other membership benefits will be reinstated. For more information on reinstating an ICC Membership click here.