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Building Safety Month
is an international campaign celebrated in May to raise awareness about building safety.

Celebrate with us by using our hashtag #BuildingSafetyMonth2025
on social media, and be sure to check back often for updated pages and resources!

Share the 2025
Building Safety Month Poster


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Share the 2025
Building Safety Month Flyer

2025 BSM FlyerPDF

Weekly Themes and Icons

The 2025 campaign theme is “Game On!” and includes these special weekly themes.

Week 1: The Warm Up (May 1–3)
Discover how building safety impacts our daily lives including the places where we work, learn and play.

Week 2: Build Your Offense (May 4–10)
Create a plan to actively support building safety programs in your community.

Week 3: Build Your Defense (May 11–17)
Stay prepared for natural hazards such as severe weather, wildfires, earthquakes and more with our disaster toolkits.

Week 4: The Starting Lineup (May 18–24)
Meet building safety professionals and learn about rewarding careers in building safety.

Week 5: Going Into Overtime (May 25–31)
See what’s next for the building safety industry, including global trends, artificial intelligence and more.

Building Safety Month Weekly Icons

Building Safety Month Weekly Icons
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