Global Connections Day
Call for Presentations: Global Connections Day 2019
Please join us by sharing your expertise at the International Code Council’s 2019 Global Connections Day (GCD 2019) on October 23, 2019, in Las Vegas, NV. GCD 2019 is a Code Council Global Services initiative supported by the Global Membership Council. It is convened as part of the International Code Council Annual Conference.
Theme and Topics: The overall theme for GCD 2019 is Water: Safety, Efficiency and Conservation. The full-day program will address a continuum of topics including:
- Water Safety
- Water Conservation Programs
- Water Efficiency
- Rainwater Harvesting
- New Technologies in Water Safety, Efficiency and Conservation
Presentation Format: Individuals and groups submitting proposals are expected to focus on theme of water in one of these topics. Both individuals and groups are encouraged to submit proposals.
It is expected that presentations will be educational and will address multiple viewpoints on a specific subject. Individual presentations should be designed for 30 minutes of presentation time and feature a speaker addressing a specific subject or concept. Group presentations can be either 30 or 60 minutes in length and should include a variety of viewpoints on the suggested topic. Roundtable or counterpoint presentations are encouraged and up to four designated individuals may participate.
Potential Presentation Subjects: Submissions should adhere to the theme and topics identified above and clearly define the subject matter to be presented or discussed. Within each topic area, the Code Council is particularly interested in the following presentation subjects:
- Water Safety – pathogens/legionella, water safety testing, water safety programs in the US and internationally
- Water Conservation Programs – examples of innovative programs in the US and internationally
- Water Efficiency – ICC/RESNET standard, the energy-water nexus, conformity assessment of plumbing products, standards and efficiency programs in the US and internationally
- Rainwater Harvesting – CSA B805/ICC 805 standard, innovative stormwater reclamation programs in the US and internationally
- New Technologies in Water Safety, Efficiency and Conservation – introduction of new technologies by manufacturers or plumbing products, bio-toilets/self-compositing systems, gray water/black water systems, sustainable water systems, etc. in the US and internationally
Participation: To be considered for GCD 2019, please submit a written proposal that includes the following:
- Subject matter: 3-5 sentences describing title or topic, presentation content, format and relevance to one or more of the identified topics;
- Identification of the requested Format: Individual presentation, panel discussion, roundtable discussion;
- Identification of the proponent, sponsor or funding element of the presentation;
- The name and affiliation of individual presentation speakers or known panel or roundtable participants and the relationship of each to the proponent, sponsor or funding element. Panel or roundtable proposals that cannot identify specific individuals should identify the organizations that will be represented on the panel or in the roundtable and the relationship of each organization to the proponent or topic.
NOTE: Panels and roundtables must feature a balance of perspectives. A short statement identifying how the panel or roundtable is balanced must be submitted. An acknowledgement of the allowed Timeframe: 30 minutes for individual presentations and 30 or 60 minutes for roundtable or panel discussions is required. - Presentation submission: Brief outline of the presentation, panel discussion or roundtable discussion.
- Speakers biography and high resolution headshot for posting on GCD webpage
Submissions are due by February 15, 2019. Presenters will be notified approximately March 1, 2019. Final material submission will be due to the Code Council approximately September 1, 2019. Please send proposals to Judy Zakreski at or call +1.202.730.3978 for more information.