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Follow up code official survey on pandemic response

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Follow up code official survey on pandemic response and needed resources

Earlier this year, as COVID-19 public health orders came into effect, the International Code Council surveyed code departments across the country to better understand departments' virtual capabilities and to collect best practices that could help inform other departments' approaches. We were overwhelmed by the response - nearly 1150 jurisdictions from every state across the country provided feedback. Read the survey analysis, here.
The Code Council remains committed to assisting code departments as they navigate and overcome the challenges facing them during the pandemic. To that end, we have prepared a follow up survey that builds upon the previous one to determine how departments have responded in the interim. What virtual needs still exist? What strategies have worked best? What additional resources could help? This survey will inform our efforts to identify best practices and advocate for needed resources.
Prior responses have guided the materials we have developed to support your department and informed and directed our advocacy on your behalf. These efforts include:
Your feedback, either as a first-time or repeat survey respondent, is greatly appreciated and will help us to improve our current offerings. Please be sure to respond in the next two weeks so we can capture your input in our summary of top line results.

For additional coronavirus advocacy resources, please visit the Code Council’s Coronavirus Response Center.

For additional coronavirus advocacy resources, please visit the Code Council’s Coronavirus Response Center.