New Publication Focuses on Updates to Pennsylvania Building Code
For Immediate Release March 4, 2016 |
Contact: Trey Hughes 1-888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233), ext. 5237 |
New Publication Focuses on Updates to Pennsylvania Building Code
“This new publication includes adopted code changes from 2015 with details on how the new codes affect the current UCC,” said Frank Thompson, 2009–2014 Chairman of the UCC Review and Advisory Council and 1992 PBA President. “It contains numerous diagrams, photographs and explanations to help industry professionals understand and apply code changes. I urge every builder to keep this critical supplement with their current code books.” The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry adopted changes to the UCC effective Dec. 31, 2015. These changes were adopted by reference, requiring a select number of approved revisions in ICC’s 2015 International Codes (I-Codes) to be used with the 2009 I-Codes currently in effect in Pennsylvania. “The 2015 Changes to the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code assists code users in familiarizing themselves with some of the recent improvements made to the code,” said Mark Johnson, ICC Executive Vice President & Director of Business Development. “ICC is pleased to partner with PBA in assisting the building industry to transition seamlessly with the implementation of these code enhancements.” The first resource of its kind, the 2015 Changes to the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code compiles all of the 2015 UCC updates in an easy-to-follow format identifying code section, title, type of change, change summary and change analysis. New code text is shown in underline/strikethrough format for immediate recognition of the change. Additional analysis, illustrations, tables and photos help enhance reader understanding. This user-friendly resource includes UCC changes to the Building, Residential, Energy, Existing Building, Fire and Mechanical Codes, making it an ideal tool for all building community professionals. “Using this illustrated ICC publication is a quick and easy way for code users to learn and implement the new Pennsylvania UCC provisions,” said John M. Eby, Building & Zoning Coordinator for Lower Allen Township, Penn. and President of Pennsylvania Building Officials Conference. “The book will enhance their ability to keep track of and consistently apply numerous revisions.” The 2015 Changes to the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code is available for purchase in hardcopy or PDF Download. ### About Us: The International Code Council is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes. Pennsylvania Builders Association (PBA) is a non-profit statewide trade association chartered in 1952. Affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders and a network of local associations throughout the State of Pennsylvania, PBA is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of representatives from its local affiliates. PBA is the unified voice for the home building industry and the housing consumer. PBA serves its members by providing proactive leadership on state regulatory and legislative issues and by offering services to its 36 local associations that enhance the professionalism of its members. PBA serves Pennsylvania communities and consumers through its efforts to protect homeownership rights and advocacy for safe and affordable housing options. |