Kids Corner
Hi! I’m CODiE. Welcome to Kids Corner. I’m here to teach you about building safety.
Download and complete the exercises in the Activity Book below – ask your parents to review them with you. You can download all the activities at once or one by one. Once you’re done, you will have officially completed your training and earned your certificate as a Junior Code Official!
There's also a Building Safety in Your Home Checklist that you can go through as a family to make sure your home is safe.
Kids’ Proclamation
Kids can now submit a proclamation to show their support for Building Safety Month!
Step 1: Download the proclamation here.
Step 2: Complete the proclamation.
Step 3: Upload your proclamation in the form below, or click here.
Step 4: Check back here to see your uploaded proclamation. Allow two business days to see your proclamation posted.