Free webinar on off-site construction basics
Interest in off-site construction is growing as communities and the building industry look to address multiple challenges around housing affordability and availability, access to a skilled workforce, building quality, sustainability, and jobsite safety.
However, off-site construction can come in many forms potentially causing confusion on how to design, construct and regulate projects. Regulatory requirements and the roles of participants in the construction process can change based on the type of off-site construction used.
The first in a series of courses on off-site construction — Introduction to Off-Site Construction — provides an introduction to off-site construction covering common technologies and processes for both commercial and residential buildings, the key participants in the off-site construction process, and the general regulatory approaches used.
This hour-long course is offered for free through the sponsorship of the Modular Building Institute and USG Structural Panels, and will be held at 12:00 p.m. ET on Feb. 4, 2021. Register now.