ICC cdpAccess
Bringing the Latest Technologies to the Code Development Process
The International Code Council (ICC) is working hard to bring the latest technologies to the code development process. We have listened to member feedback and improved cdpACCESS, and created a new in-person voting system for the Public Comment Hearings. Here’s an overview of what’s now available to you!
This year, a new cdpACCESS was unveiled at the 2017 Annual Business Meeting, and has been used during the Group A 2018 cycle. Proposal submission was completed in January, with a faster, more efficient system. We added a new table editor, an easier-touse code section editor that gave users more room to make complex changes, and a lot of behind-the-scenes improvements that made creating the Committee Action Hearing (CAH) agenda smoother.
We’re continuing to improve the system for the Committee Action Hearings. Users can now create custom mini-agendas—do a search for a specific set of proposals, or simply By Laurie Rich, CDP/CMS Business Manager, ICC Construction Technology and Trends FEBRUARY 2018 | 18 ICC cdpACCESS continued mark a custom list of proposals as your “favorites,” and you can generate a CAH agenda document with just that information included. Users can also download spreadsheets with the proposal information to use as a checklist or to follow along with the hearings.
We’re implementing the new user interface for online modification submission, and including improvements in the automatic legislative update that should make creating and submitting online modifications a snap.
With all these improvements, we’ve continued with the same simple, easy-to-use balloting for the assembly motions. The improved user interface will make the information easier to access and read on all devices, and you’ll still be able to review information, watch the hearing videos, and vote from your computer or tablet.
We used the new ICC voting system for the board elections at the 2017 Annual Business Meeting. We’ve custom built a fast, intuitive system that we’ll be using at the Public Comment Hearings this year.
Each eligible voter will be issued a voting device at the hearings. The system runs on an Apple iPod Touch, a proven, reliable hardware device with a touch screen and a 5G WiFi connection. Users will log into the system once each morning, and their votes will be recorded to their account so they can be uploaded into cdpACCESS at the end of the day. Users will be able to review the day’s votes, and those votes will be automatically added to the Online Governmental Consensus Vote (OGCV ) ballots.
Once logged in, the system does the work for you! The screen will automatically update when a vote is available. Tap the “Support” or “Oppose” button and the system will clearly indicate your vote, including a date and timestamp of when your vote was registered. A clear countdown clock will display both on your device and on the big screen, so you’ll know how much time you have to make your selection.
Once all votes are registered, the system will calculate the result and display it—again, this will show both on your device as well as on the big screen, and you’ll be able to see the total vote count and the percentage.
While logged in you will be able to review the votes so far that day—both your own vote and the over-all results. If you ever have any questions, the system will assign you a private voter identification number that you can give to ICC staff to confirm that your device is being seen by the system, and that your votes are properly registered. This private identification number ensures that your votes remain secure and anonymous to everyone but you when you are logged in to the system.
We’ll be testing the improved system at the Committee Action Hearings in Columbus, Ohio. We hope this will give you an opportunity to see just how intuitive and simple the system really is.
Once the code change process is complete, check out codes.iccsafe.org—ICC’s Online Digital Library—where you can access many existing building codes, including the 2018 International Codes.
If you just need a quick and easy-to-access glance at a few sections, the free publicACCESS side of the Online Digital Library is for you. The complete text of the 2018 International Codes is available there, along with a substantial list of state codes and ICC standards, as well as the Mexico Conservation Code. When available, these codes include links to reports from the ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES). These reports represent the most trusted and readily accepted report for a product’s code compliance in the nation, giving code officials access to this free and trusted resource directly from the relevant code sections.
For a much more feature-rich experience, users can also purchase a subscription to premiumACCESS. Not only do premiumACCESS users get the same convenient access to building codes from their computer, tablet or other mobile device, but they have the ability to create custom highlights and annotations to the code, tag and bookmark content for easy access later, collaborate with their coworkers, and do precise and highly targeted searches for content within their code book library.
Visit codes.iccsafe.org to find feature lists, subscribe to the newsletter and find dates for the next live demonstration of the features of premiumACCESS.