Aurora, IL is Using the International Existing Building Code to Rehab Buildings That Were Vacant for 30 Years
Aurora, IL Building Official John Curley uses IEBC to save owners hundreds of thousands of dollars while breathing new life into existing buildings.

The International Existing Building Code® (IEBC) is readily available to building departments and municipalities that are looking to use and reuse existing offices, hospitals, apartments and other structures. However, many…

WorldSkills Australia Regional Competition: Spotlight on Plumbing and Heating in Australia
Tom Roberts, Global Director of PMG for the Code Council, was invited to participate as a judge of the Australian Capital Territory plumbing and heating competition. The competition, held every two years, is designed to identify and nurture the best talent in the plumbing and heating industry.

The WorldSkills Australia Regional Competitions are celebrated events that showcase the talents of apprentices and students across various trades and skills. The competition, held every two years, is designed to…