In November 2022, Matt Sigler, Executive Director of Plumbing, Mechanical and Fuel Gas Services (PMG) at the International Code Council, and Mike Boso, Vice President, Code Council Board of Directors,…
Deep Dives
Longer, analytical articles that get into the core concepts behind an issue, using photos and graphics to illustrate.
Code Council’s Commitment to Water Conservation and Combating Global Water Scarcity
The Code Council’s interest in both events align with the organization’s continued support and involvement in several water conservation initiatives including World Water Awareness Month.
Why Code Enforcement Officers Are The “Lifeline” To A Better Community
Code enforcement officers do so much more than code enforcement – they protect and enrich communities in a way that no other can.
This article is Part 1 of a three-part series exploring the roles of code enforcement officers. Stay tuned for Part 2 and Part 3 which will be published in the…
Aurora, IL is Using the International Existing Building Code to Rehab Buildings That Were Vacant for 30 Years
Aurora, IL Building Official John Curley uses IEBC to save owners hundreds of thousands of dollars while breathing new life into existing buildings.
The International Existing Building Code® (IEBC) is readily available to building departments and municipalities that are looking to use and reuse existing offices, hospitals, apartments and other structures. However, many…