APSP’s Carvin DiGiovanni to step down
After 28 years of leading the development of technical standards at the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP), Carvin DiGiovanni, APSP Fellow, vice president of technical and standards, announced he is moving on to explore new challenges and develop new opportunities. He will remain at APSP until year’s end and start part time January.
“I’m extremely proud of all the many things we’ve accomplished over the years and all the many hurdles we’ve had to clear to get there,” DiGiovanni said. “But times and circumstances change and it’s become clear recently that the time has come for me to move on from my current role in APSP. It’s a mutual decision that ultimately will be beneficial for APSP and me.”
DiGiovanni was essential in developing a memorandum of understanding between APSP and the International Code Council that led to the development of the 2012 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) — the first comprehensive code to upgrade pool and spa safety, and meet the requirements of the Virginia Graeme Baker Act. The ISPSC uses prescriptive and performance-related provisions to establish minimum safety requirements for public and residential pools, spas and hot tubs and was developed with input from a wide range of industry experts, including the APSP, and was finalized through the Code Council’s governmental consensus process.
DiGiovanni currently serves on the Governing Council of ICC’s PMG Official Membership Council, which serves the needs of plumbing, mechanical and fuel gas (PMG) and swimming pool community officials and industry professionals. The Governing Committee serves to actively engage members in discussions about priorities and opportunities for the direction of the Code Council. APSP is a partner of the PMG Official Membership Council.
Last year, he was named APSP’s representative on the Plumbing, Mechanical & Fuel Gas Code Action Committee, which was established in 2014 by the ICC Board of Directors to pursue opportunities to improve and enhance assigned International Codes; both the technical aspects of the codes and the code content in terms of scope and application of referenced standards.
In 2014, DiGiovanni received the ICC Affiliate Award, which is presented in honor of John Fies, Wilbur H. Lind and Alton Riddick, who demonstrated unselfish service to the Code Council’s legacy model code organizations. Recipients demonstrate integrity, professionalism and dedication through service to the building safety profession and personal standards representing the spirit of public service to the development of codes and standards in the interest of public safety.
Since joining APSP (formerly the National Spa and Pool Institute) back in 1990, he has worked to help develop and promulgate model standards through the American National Standards Institute and the International Code Council. His grasp of complex technical topics and an ability to work with people at all levels of the industry enabled DiGiovanni to advance the interests of the industry. He worked closely with the Code Council and other organizations and members of both houses of the U.S. Congress to ensure the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act harmonized with ANSI/APSP-7 standard for preventing suction-entrapment.