ICC reached reinstatement program milestone
As March came to a close, the International Code Council’s Reinstatement Program reached 750 certifications reinstated, reflecting nearly 250 individuals who have taken advantage of the program. Since the program’s launch in February 2016, the Code Council’s original goal for this program was to reach at least 10 percent of eligible individuals by 2018. This milestone sets the program on a very good track.
The Reinstatement Program offers individuals with certifications expired more than six (6) years an opportunity to reinstate their certifications without the need to re-test. Expired certifications initially issued by ICC or the legacy organizations (ICBO, BOCA, SBCCI, CABO) are eligible for reinstatement as well.
This expansion simply lengthens the grace period for renewing. The ongoing program allows individuals who want to be more active in ICC the opportunity to do so through having current certifications.
For more information about the Reinstatement Program, go to www.iccsafe.org/renewals.