Frank Bush recipient of new service award

Each year, the International Code Council recognizes peers and colleagues who are a reflection of what the association stands for: dedication to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. This year, Code Council added a new award to recognize members of the building industry who demonstrate integrity, professionalism and dedication to public service in the interest of public safety. This year’s new Excellence in Public Safety Award was awarded to Frank Bush, general manager and superintendent of Building for the Los Angeles Department of Building Safety (LADBS), at the Members Luncheon on Oct. 23, 2018, during the 2018 Annual Conference in Richmond, Va.
Under Bush’s leadership, LADBS has become one of the most progressive, innovative and efficient building departments in the nation. An exceptional public servant, Bush has been general manager of the department for two years, but his leadership at LADBS spans decades. Beginning as an inspector 29 years ago, he worked his way through the ranks to become general manager in 2016. Under his watch, LADBS has become known as one of the most progressive, innovative and efficient building departments in the nation. Today, he is responsible for a staff of more than 1,000 employees, overseeing construction throughout the second-most populous city in the United States.
Known as a “change manager,” Bush listens to his staff and customers, combining their ideas with his own to improve the quality and timeliness of service in constant pursuit of public safety. In fact, at the top of their website is a statement that capture’s his unassuming yet powerful vision for LADBS: “We advise, guide and assist so you can build safe, well and fast.”
Osama Younan shared a few words on behalf of Bush’s proud and appreciative colleagues at LADBS. “The Los Angeles Department of building and safety is very fortunate to have Frank at the helm as our general manager,” said Younan. “Frank is the utmost professional. He is a highly dedicated and very effective leader that cares deeply about public safety and code professionals. Frank dedicates a lot of resources and training to make sure that our engineers and inspectors have the knowledge, skills and tools they need every day to do their jobs effectively, and he also dedicates a lot of resources to our department’s emergency preparedness program so that we are ready. Under his leadership, the department has made great strides to bring everyone together to improve building safety.”
“Thank you very much for this honor. It’s very nice to be recognized,” said Bush on accepting the award. “This is a reflection of the thousands of employees we have at the Department of Safety and the incredible management team and the department that helps to support me as well. I really encourage everyone to be involved with ICC. Everyone knows the importance of the codes but being involved in leadership and in supporting and encouraging our employees to be involved on the inspection and engineering levels… ICC is great for that.”
The International Code Council congratulates Frank Bush as its 2018 Excellence in Public Safety Award recipient.