An Ode to Building Safety Month 2023
Inspired by Building Safety Month, Roberts wrote a poem underscoring the significance of this celebration and the importance of building safety.
Jack Roberts is the Site Development Supervisor for the City of Phoenix, Ariz., where he has been working for over 18 years.
Since he was a child, Roberts has enjoyed writing poetry, most likely picking up the talent from his father who creates birthday cards for his family each year including poems he writes.
Inspired by Building Safety Month, Roberts wrote a poem underscoring the significance of this celebration and the importance of building safety.

In 2023, all through the month of May
Building Safety Month is here, the Code Council will show the way
Our families and our friends, are the most important thing
So be aware of building safety, is the message we will bring
We want homes constructed safe, our public buildings too
By the builders in the field, and inspectors walking through
We expect their very best, in the work that they all do
But concerning building safety, It really Starts With YOU
Building safety starts at home, is the focus of week one
Teach it to your family, and even make it fun
Practice drills with all your kids, if a fire were to start
Have a place to meet outside, if their rooms are far apart
If you hear a chirping noise, no that’s not a little bird
The smoke alarm has warned you, that’s the sound that you just heard
Your battery is dying, don’t wait another day
Install a brand new battery, and do it right away.
To keep your family safe, there are many tips to know
The Code Council can teach you these, to their website you should go
The second week is all about, the Professionals and You
To gain an understanding of, the type of work they do
The Permit Tech, the Plan Review, the Inspector in the field
They enforce the building code, from hazards help to shield
The role they play is crucial, their knowledge base is vast
Their expertise is needed, for a home to safely last.
You can have a job with us, by following your dream
Get certified with the Code Council, join the Building Safety Team
Week three of building safety month, is to help you to prepare
Disaster shows up suddenly, so we need to be aware
The winds that blow from a hurricane, may last for hours long
So build the house to the latest code, it will still be standing strong
Work as a team in your city, have a plan in place for the day
When fire hits or waters rise, so you won’t be swept away
To Advocate for Your Community, is the theme of week number four
Get involved and share your voice, in order to show support
The tools are at your fingers, spread the building safety word
Your network that you share with, will help your voice be heard
Teach your kids of building safety, in this world and in our nation
Handing down your skill set to, our next generation
And now we’ve come to the last week, let’s take a global view
And look at all the dangers that, our planet passes through
With fires and with floods, and earthquakes that destroy
It’s a worldwide effort, that we must employ
Our water source is scarce, and we must keep it clean
So incorporate some methods, how we can intervene
We’re all in this together, and teamwork is the way
Let’s show the world just who we are, during the month of May
The Code Council is ready, building safety is the theme
They need our contribution, we are all on the same team
So let’s join the celebration, for it’s that time of year
Spread the news to everyone, Building Safety Month is here
Visit and get involved in the Code Council’s Building Safety Month celebration, here.