Significant changes to length of hot water piping to fixtures in the 2021 International Residential Code
An addition to Section P2905.3 (Length of Hot Water Piping to Fixtures) of the 2021 International Residential Code states that the code now limits the length of hot water piping serving fixtures.
A new section limits the hot water supply line length to 100 feet measured from the source of hot water to the fixtures that require hot water. This provision is similar to existing language in International Plumbing Code (IPC) Section 607.2, except the IPC limits the length to not greater than 50 feet. Hot water supply lines greater than 100 feet wastewater (proportional to pipe size) while occupants wait for hot water to reach fixtures for bathing, washing and culinary purposes. Even when hot water supply lines are insulated, the hot water remaining in the lines between demand periods cools down. Limiting the length and consequent volume of heated water in the supply lines reduces the amount of wasted water and occupant waiting time.
Read the full significant change.
Significant Changes to the International Residential Code, 2021 Edition, is available in the ICC Store or through Digital Codes Premium.