Free Pamphlet for Homeowners Offers Tips on Energy Improvements to Qualify for 2010 Tax Credits
A free pamphlet from the International Code Council can help homeowners secure 2010 tax year incentives for energy-efficient upgrades to existing homes and residences under construction through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act of 2009. The brochure is available for download at
The brochure contains information on the available tax credits for residential projects and the requirements applicable to the credits. References are provided for additional information for each of the credits when available.
In existing homes, sealing and insulating a home’s “shell”; replacing windows and doors; increasing insulation in roofs, floors and walls; and replacing a furnace, air conditioner or heat pump with a high-efficiency model may qualify for tax credits. New homes can qualify for tax credits for geothermal heat pumps, photovoltaic (converting sunlight directly into electricity), solar water heaters, and small, wind-energy systems and fuel cells.
The International Code Council, a membership association dedicated to building safety, fire prevention and energy efficiency, develops the codes used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. Most U.S. cities, counties and states choose the International Codes, building safety codes developed by the International Code Council. The International Codes also serve as the basis for construction of federal properties around the world, and as a reference for many nations outside the United States.