Whether it’s everyday tasks or crisis response, ICC can help
Disaster response, building department administration and plan review are the focus of upcoming International Code Council Institutes. Each offers valuable information and instruction on performing the duties of building safety and fire prevention officials.
The Disaster Response Institute, April 23-25 in Myrtle Beach, S.C., teaches participants disaster response methods to interact with the onsite command structure and become a resource in identifying unsafe buildings and uninhabitable structures. Co-sponsored by the Building Officials Association of South Carolina and the Coastal Code Enforcement Association of South Carolina, topics include mobilization prior to a disaster, assessing the safety of structures, inspecting and evaluating sites for safety hazards, and documenting and assessing damage to structures and equipment.
The Code Official Institute, co-sponsored by the Building Officials Association of Florida, is geared toward new building officials and seasoned building department administrators who want to enhance their management skills and increase their professional stature. Held April 30-May 3 in Orlando, Fla., topics featured in the International Code Council Code Official Institute include financial and personnel management, ethics, increasing the credibility of the code official and legal aspects of code administration.
The Plan Review Institute, May 14-17 in Alsip, Ill., teaches attendees how to effectively perform structural, nonstructural and residential plan reviews based on the 2006 International Building and Residential Codes. Instructors at the International Code Council institute offer a step-by-step process for conducting plan reviews while increasing efficiency.
All institutes offer education from highly recognized experts in the field, and allow attendees to interact, network, gain valuable insight and share experiences with their peers. Participants also can earn continuing education units (CEUs), AIA learning units (LUs) and health, safety and welfare credit (HSW credit). All attendees receive comprehensive manuals to reference during the event and to use as a resource back on the job.
To register for the Disaster Response, Code Official or Plan Review Institutes online visit www.iccsafe.org/training or call 1-888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233), ext. 33818.
The International Code Council, a membership association dedicated to building safety and fire prevention, develops the codes used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. Most U.S. cities, counties and states that adopt codes choose the International Codes developed by the International Code Council.