System designs, along with the products that are utilized for plumbing systems, have changed dramatically since the 1940s, but modern systems are still frequently designed using research that’s more than…
Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Pools/Spas
How the 2024 International Plumbing Code Improves Safety, Increases Efficiency, Provides Clarity, Mitigates Damage and More
Contractors need to familiarize themselves with recent code changes.
Contractors recognize the International Plumbing Code® (IPC) as the gold standard in providing prescriptive and performance-related code provisions for potable water supply and distribution piping, sanitary drainage and venting, backflow prevention and…
Call for Committee: ICC 825, Private Sewage Disposal Systems
This committee has primary responsibility for the development of the global standard which will provide minimum requirements for designing, constructing, operating and maintaining private sewage disposal systems that include septic tank and effluent absorption systems, or other treatment tank and effluent disposal systems, where a public sewer is not available.
The International Code Council is currently seeking additional contractors, engineers, code officials, academics, manufacturers, health authority experts and other industry stakeholders to volunteer for a Code Council committee to assist…