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Acoustics Accessibility Committee

A118 Acoustics Accessibility

The A118 is done in partnership with Accessibility Standard Canada (ASC).  It is the first in a suite of accessibility standards that will work to harmonize standards across North America for the built environment.

Project Abstract:  Consideration to be given on site design and architectural features of buildings affecting the acoustics and how people with physical and sensory disabilities use public buildings and residential structures including wayfinding.

Objective:  Address barriers in the acoustic built environment.  The standard will address these areas including acoustic design of the built environment, designing for wayfinding, controlling noise and reverberation, design of spaces with special acoustic considerations, service counters, learning spaces, shared office spaces, support spaces, uses of audio amplification and transmission, assistive technology and listening systems and public address systems.

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Committee Overview


IS-ABEC Meeting Notices

IS-ABEC Roster

IS-ABEC Documents

Kim Paarlberg

Committee News
2024.09.09 | Initial committee members appointed by ICC Board of Directors.

The Code Council's Board of Directors has appointed the committee members for IS-ABEC committee.  This committee will develop new standards for the build environment related accessibility acoustics.


2024.12.11 First public teleconference meeting of the committee to be held on December 11, 2024 at 2 PM CT.

The committee will discuss the goals and objectives to create the initial draft and the creation of work groups to create the technical content of the standard.  Any interested party may attend the meetings and participate on the work groups. Please see the meeting notices posted under DOCUMENTS for information on how to attend.

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