PMG Code Action Committee (PMGCAC)
The Plumbing Mechanical and Fuel Gas Code Action Committee (PMGCAC) meetings are open to the public. Any interested party can participate in committee meetings and can be considered by the committee for membership on any sub-group that the committee creates. Interested parties will be notified by email of PMGCAC activities including committee meetings, sub-group meetings and the availability of PMGCAC related documentation. If you wish to be placed on the “interested parties” list for the PMGCAC, contact the ICC Secretariat, Fred Grable.
The following Workgroups have been established:
- WG#1 – Hydrogen Provisions
- WG#2 – Water Reuse Provisions
- WG#3 – Plant Processing and Extraction Facility Ventilation
- WG#4 – Commercial Pool Plumbing Fixture Calculations
These workgroups will have virtual meetings at various times. The meeting days and times will be sent out to all interested parties of those work group. If you wish to be on an interested party email distribution list, see the information under the 'Apply' tab below.
See Council Policy 31 "Code Action Committees" for the scope of each of the CAC's.
Committee Overview
PMGCAC Meeting Notices
PMGCAC Documents
Fred Grable, Secretariat
No updates at this time.