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Tilt-Up Wall Design Provisions: Proper Application

With over a half a billion square feet of space constructed annually, tilt-up concrete construction is a common building type in engineering offices across the nation. This economical style of...

Special Inspections

This webinar provides a general overview of Special Inspection from Chapter 17 of the International Building Code® (IBC®). Objectives: Upon completion of this seminar, participants will be better able to:...

IECC Residential Consensus Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 292 549 521 570 Passcode: 6St7hk7x Dial in by phone +1 469-848-0134,,713350603# United States, Seagoville Phone conference ID: 713 350 603# 2:00...

IECC Commercial Consensus Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 213 715 837 318 Passcode: Z8Wm6yy3 Dial in by phone +1 469-848-0134,,739591542# United States, Seagoville Phone conference ID: 739 591 542# 2:00...