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Inspector Skills Virtual (Virtual)


This seminar addresses the necessary soft skills for success as an inspector those non-technical traits and behaviors that enhance an inspectors ability to interact with others and to successfully carry...

2021 IBC Means of Egress (Virtual)


This seminar addresses numerous provisions in the 2021 International Building Code® (IBC®) where the code contains requirements pertaining to establishing a means of egress in buildings. The course is intended...

Basic Code Enforcement (Virtual)


This seminar educates new code officials in basic concepts of code enforcement and provides an opportunity to master skills that are fundamental to performing the duties of a code official....

BMC Governing Committee Meeting

The ICC Building Membership Governing Committee will meet on this day/time. Click here to join the January 11, 2023, meeting. Please check back soon to view the agenda.

Training: 2021 IBC Essentials

Virtual Classroom

This training focuses on the basic concepts of the 2021 International Building Code® (IBC®). These concepts provide a basis for the correct utilization of the code.