Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) is the conceptual framework upon which ground motion intensity (i.e., spectral acceleration) is estimated for use in design throughout the United States. It is also...
The International Building Code requires that the design professional in charge create a Statement of Special Inspections (SSI) for each project. This seminar will discuss each component of the SSI,...
Traditionally, structural fire safety is contemplated after the structural engineering is complete for a given building. Specifically, structural systems that have been optimized for ambient design loads are then blanketed...
There is a myth that if a post-tensioning strand is broken, it has the potential to fly out of the building, create havoc and destruction as it soars over state...
With the publication of ASCE 7-22 and its future adoption by IBC and state building codes, nonstructural seismic standard implementation is undergoing a dramatic change. Though the Chapter 13 requirements...
ASCE 7-22 is adopted by the 2024 IBC, which is in the process of being adopted by major local jurisdictions, such as the State of California and the State of...
Proper design of wood structures to resist high wind loads requires the correct use of wind load provisions and member design properties. A thorough understanding of the interaction between wind...
ASCE 7-22 is adopted by the 2024 IBC, which is in the process of being adopted by major local jurisdictions, such as the State of California and the State of...
This seminar will cover the design of bare steel deck and concrete-filled steel deck diaphragms with an emphasis on seismic design. The parts of a steel deck diaphragm will be...
This webinar covers basic load paths and load combinations used in allowable stress design and strength design. Also discussed are risk categories assigned to buildings for load determination based on...