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BMC Governing Committee Meeting

The ICC Building Membership Governing Committee will meet on this day/time. Click here to view the agenda. Click here to join the meeting

Training: 2021 IBC Essentials

Virtual Classroom

This seminar focuses on the basic concepts of the 2021 International Building Code® (IBC®). These concepts provide a basis for the correct utilization of the code. A clear understanding of...

Training: IECC Essentials

Virtual Classroom

Participants will apply the critical concepts of the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. These concepts provide a basis for the correct use of the code in the design, plan review,...

Spring Interchange – Opening Session & Joint Training

Tampa, FL Tampa, FL, United States

Join us for an opening session that includes a general training topic of interest to building safety professionals, updates from International Code Council leadership, and speeches from local dignitaries. Training...