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2025 ICC Upper Great Plains Region III Educational Institute

Minneapolis Marriott Northwest 7025 Northland Drive North, Minneapolis, MN, United States

The Institute features 40 sessions of construction-industry related topics offered in eight tracks over five days. Check the brochure for a few select sessions to be offered virtually. Presenters are...

ICC 605 IS-MHRRC Committee Meeting

Multi-Hazard Resiliency for Residential Construction (IS-MHRRC) Committee The purpose of this virtual meeting is for the IS-MHRRC committee to review the ICC 605 initial draft public input agenda. Microsoft Teams...

Serviceability Design for the Practicing Engineer

This session will provide practical information and design examples to evaluate the serviceability performance of buildings against requirements of the IBC and ASCE 7. It will provide detailed explanations and...

Deep Foundations – Overview and Design Example

Deep foundation systems provide improved resistance to settlement and can safely support buildings founded on very poor soils. Deep foundations can also improve building performance by providing resistance to uplift...

PMGMC – Governing Committee Meeting


The ICC PMG Membership Council will meet on this day/time. All members of the PMG Membership Council and other ICC members interested in the PMGMC are invited to participate. To...

ICCPC (Performance Code)

200 Massachusetts Ave NW, Penthouse, Washington, DC 20001 200 Massachusetts Ave NW, Penthouse, Washington, DC, United States

The purpose of this meeting is to develop a modern updated International Code-based option available to those interested in an updated performance based code. Microsoft Teams meeting This is an...

IECC Commercial Consensus Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 213 715 837 318 Passcode: Z8Wm6yy3 Dial in by phone +1 469-848-0134,,739591542# United States, Seagoville Phone conference ID: 739 591 542# 2:00...

Frame of Reference: Steel Moment Frames Explained

This web seminar will discuss the structural design and detailing requirements for ordinary and special steel moment frames specified under the provisions of the 2018 IBC, ASCE 7-16, AISC 360-16,...