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ASHRAE Winter Conference

Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV, United States

The 2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference technical program is comprised of eight tracks, selected to represent areas of focus common among ASHRAE membership.

Serviceability Design for the Practicing Engineer

Webinar Webinar, United States

This session will provide practical information and design examples to evaluate the serviceability performance of buildings against requirements of the IBC and ASCE 7. It will provide detailed explanations and...

ICCPC Workshop

The workshop will be held from 1:00-5:00 PM EST. As part of the effort to reimagine the ICC Performance Code, the Code Council will host a free workshop to further...

Digital Codes Webinar

Digital Codes will be putting on three webinars in February that focus on Digital Codes Premium. The webinars will take place on February 3rd, 11th, and 17th all at 1...

Two-Way Post-Tensioned Slab Design

Webinar Webinar, United States

This web seminar will focus on the design of post-tensioned two way flat slabs that can be used for a multitude of building applications ranging from parking, hotel, office and...

Introducing Solar App+ The Emerging US Permitting Solution

Webinar Webinar, United States

The webinar will begin at 1:00 PM EST. NREL has built a free online permitting platform that instantly reviews rooftop solar and storage applications for code compliance, processes payments and...