Reimagining the ICC Performance Code
Performance-based design has both advanced and grown in popularity over the past few decades, and many countries have successfully embraced performance-, objective- and function-based building regulations.
In order to provide a modern, updated International Code-based option available to those interested in an updated performance-based code, the International Code Council is reimagining the ICC Performance Code (ICCPC), a code that was first developed in the 1996–2000 code cycle and has had very few revisions since.
In 2021, Meacham Associates undertook research for the Code Council to help us understand current thinking and perspectives across numerous disciplines about how performance-based approaches are viewed, what can and should be done to make them more robust to achieve a high level of confidence in the code, design approaches, tools, methods and data, designs that are developed. The steps in that research project are outlined below. At the end of the process, a report was generated and submitted to the Code Council Board of Directors with the suggestion to form an ICCPC Code Development Committee to develop a reimaged ICCPC to meet current and future best practice. The Board agreed, and the Code Development Committee was formed. You can download the research report using the button above.

Stage 1: Undertake broad sector-wide surveys and targeted workshops among stakeholders, including those currently using performance-based codes and those interested in having more performance-driven options in building codes.

Stage 2: Develop an outline of the essential components of a modernized performance code that embodies current thinking in the U.S., global experiences and best practices, existing and emerging societal expectations for building performance, and existing and emerging data, tools, methods, materials and systems.

Stage 3: Recommend changes to improve and modernize the ICCPC – which could be significant in terms of structure, approach and content – to increase the appeal of its use in jurisdictions around the world, including in the United States.