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Quick Hits on Emerging Building Safety Topics

Government Relations is hosting a special Insight Session, “Quick Hits on Emerging Building Safety Topics” at the Annual Conference on Monday, October 21 at 12:45 p.m.

Presentation Schedule

Monday, October 21

12:45 PM

12:45–12:50 pm

1:20-1:35 pm

1:35-1:45 pm

1:50-2:05 pm

2:05-2:20 pm

2:20 pm





Presentation File

Gabe Maser

Gabriel Maser

Senior Vice President of Government Relations, International Code Council



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Esber Greybkg 240x320

Esber Andiroglu,

PhD, P.E., LEED AP, University of Miami

Addressing Water Scarcity: University of Miami Findings on I-Codes’ Potential

In 2024, the University of Miami published a study that modeled potential water savings through implementation of four conservation strategies within the I-Codes in Phoenix, Las Vegas, Houston, and Des Moines. In total, these provisions have the potential to save more than 34 billion gallons of water over the next six years. This session will explore the report’s findings.  

12:50-1:05 pm

A Comprehensive Analysis Of Water Conservation
Kevin Mcosker

Kevin McOsker

P.E., CBO, Vice President of Technical Resources, International Code Council

Existing Building Safety – A Guideline for Assessing Existing Building Safety

The Existing Building Condition Assessment Guide (G7-202x) establishes the base framework for an Existing Building Safety Condition Assessment Program, by recommending minimum timeframes for visual condition assessments of structural and nonstructural systems throughout the lifespan of a building.  The guideline is intended to help building owners and jurisdictions identify   potential or current unsafe conditions before becoming a greater hazard to the occupants or to the general public.   

1:05-1:20 pm

GR Insight Session Existing Buildings Guide Final
Karyn Beebe
Kevin Mcosker

Karyn Beebe

P.E., LEED AP, Government Relations Manager,
International Code Council





Kevin McOsker

P.E., CBO, Vice President of Technical Resources, International Code Council

Adaptive Reuse of Buildings

ICC has created a collaborative multidisciplinary group of building safety professionals to discuss adaptive reuse issues and possible solutions (code change proposals, local ordinances, interpretation of existing codes) to safely address local housing needs. Learn more about the findings and progress of the ICC working group and how this can benefit your jurisdiction.  

1:20-1:35 pm

2024 Annual Conference GR Insight Session Adaptive Reuse Final
Aaron Davis

Aaron Davis

Vice President, Federal Relations
International Code Council

FEMA Update: Increased Recovery Funding for Resilient Code Adoption

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently released an interim policy that would increase the amount of the federal government's cost share in post-disaster repair and reconstruction for public facilities from 75 percent to 85 percent for communities that have already adopted and enforce the two most recent editions of the IBC and IECC (or ASHRAE 90.1). This means that the building safety work you do could bring significantly greater resources to your community during disaster recovery.

1:35-1:50 pm

2024 ABM Insight FEMA Interim Policy
Karl Fippinger

Karl Fippinger

CEM, PMP, Vice President, Fire and Disaster Mitigation, International Code Council

The Community Wildfire Problem

The community wildfire problem is growing exponentially. Wildfires have become more frequent and burn with greater intensity. We continue to build in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and the WUI is moving to us. Case study summaries from the Marshall Fire in Colorado and the Maui wildfire in Lahaina will be presented along with the most recent science and mitigation resources for use in the built environment. 

The Battery Revolution: Safety Considerations for the Built Environment

With the growing prevalence of batteries and energy storage systems in our daily lives, who’s looking out for the safety of the built environment? Hear the latest on the emerging issues and technology trends. Connect with critical resources to help regulate emerging technologies and keep your community safe. Learn about what’s being done to regulate the safety of the built environment and how you can get engaged. 

1:50-2:05 pm

2:05-2:20 pm

GR Insight Session WUI
GR Insight Session Battery Storage
Gabe Maser

Gabriel Maser

Senior Vice President of Government Relations, International Code Council

Closing Remarks

2:20 pm

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We Hope to See You There!