Sponsored Scholarships

Sponsored Scholarships Overview

The International Code Council (ICC) acts as home for the Sponsored Scholarships. The scholarships are funded by contributors and International Code Council (ICC) Chapters. The scholarship program is managed by the ICC. The recipients for these scholarships are selected by a committee of volunteers. Separate policies are in effect for each scholarship that details the selection and administrative guidelines, eligibility requirements, and the selection criteria.

Sponsored Scholarship

Application Process

The 2024 scholarship cycle is closed.

Who May Apply

Applicants shall be children (as defined below) of code enforcement agency personnel. The jurisdictional authority must be an active Governmental Member of the ICC. (The William J. Tangye scholarship is available to children of all active ICC members.)

Children must be dependents as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. Typically, this includes birth children, stepchildren, legally adopted children or a legal ward financially supported by the employee.

Criteria for Selection

The recipients for these scholarships must be enrolled in a recognized and/or accredited school such as a university, trade school, business college or other as approved by ICC prior to distribution of the award. The recipients are selected by a committee of volunteers.

Questions & FAQ's

Like all of the ICC scholarships, we welcome your insights to deliver the best product and meet your needs. Thank you in advance for your support and good luck! For more information call 888-ICC-SAFE (888-422-7233), ext. 5266 or email scholarships@iccsafe.org.

Remember: Applications are due by Friday, June 28th.